Driver Protocols
Arrival- Leave the clinic running.
Put down landing gear. Wait for landing gear to completely deploy and the flashing light on the panel to stop.
Take the Ethernet cord from the warehouse wall to the BLUE port in the power cord undercarriage compartment (to the left of the stairs)
Take Ethernet cord on extension reel stored in undercarriage compartment (right of stairs) and connect BLUE port in power cord undercarriage storage compartment to black box on warehouse wall (next to white label).
Take shore power cord (large with blue head) from the clinic vehicle and plug in to the warehouse wall
Close the undercarriage compartments, leaving the handles out flat, indicating that the compartment is closed but NOT locked. (*NOTE: Hydraulics for slide-outs will not work unless compartment is closed and latched)
Pull out the steps
Turn on the lights inside the clinic
Deploy the slide-outs one at a time
Power up the server inside the attic (see specific instructions in attic)
Turn off the truck
Set up hand rail
Make sure that all drawers and cabinets inside the clinic are locked
Make sure the printer is sitting on the floor
Make sure that chairs are laid down
Power down the server from the desktop computer, then the attic (see specific instructions)
Start the truck engine
Pull in the slide-outs one at a time
Turn off the lights inside the clinic
Lock the clinic door
Put the steps away and secure the padlock
Put the Ethernet cord back on warehouse wall
Put the Ethernet reel back into undercarriage storage compartment
Plug the shore power cord back in to the clinic in undercarriage compartment
Lift the landing gear
Do the pre-trip inspection as usual
Make sure door above wheelchair lift is completely latched by inserting key on inside, pulling on door and turning key all the way to the right